October 06, 2014

A great morning!

Good ol' Monday morning. 
Doesn't matter how old you are, it can take a while to get rolling. But oh my goodness, not the kids in Room 208! We were off and running (okay writing) this morning!  

We're working on a booklet I created based on the story called Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts. The boys and girls are answering reading response questions that are higher-level and not "right there" in the text. 

Students are learning how to state their purpose for writing using part of the question, how to respond to the question itself and then how to provide support for their ideas/opinions. It's a tall order for just the 24th day of school, but judging by the work I saw this morning, we're off to a great start! 

I met with each child and we reviewed their work up to that point.  From there, I gave a little feedback and back to work they went. This is pretty much how our Writer's Workshops will go. I don't want anyone to get too far down the path and find out their headed in the wrong direction. By checking in frequently throughout the period, I can monitor progress and give that immediate feedback the students need. 

Have a look at some the questions the boys and girls are learning to respond to.

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