November 18, 2019

Poster Problem

We've been talking a lot this year about inferring.  Inferring means we use the clues on the page, plus our own knowledge to figure out the author's message. In other words, we read between the lines.  
This week's text of the week is a carry over from last week because it also provides an inferring opportunity for the boys and girls.  

Here are a few of the things we'll continue to discuss using our text of the week: Poster Problem: 

  1. Who are the boys partners for the poster project? (inferring)
  2. How are italics used in this text? (to show the name of the cartoon) 
  3. Why are some words written in all capitals?
  4. What is compromising? 
  5. How can we resolve problems like the one the boys have without resorting to tattling or teacher intervention? 
  6. Calling people names is never okay.  We can be mad at someone, but we never call them a name (e.g. "cheese curd")
  7. We never, EVER threaten people with violence because they don't want to do things our way. 
  8. What are some new words from this story that students could use to add to their own writing (e.g. smirk, glared) 
  9. What are chores? Students, how do you contribute to making your home run smoothly? 
  10. What's a food drive? 


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