January 31, 2018

The Story of Ruby Bridges

Today we read The Story of Ruby Bridges as part of our look at the Civil Rights Movement. As always, the students were especially interested in listening to this story because it is, of course, a true story. 

To help the boys and girls further develop their non-fiction writing skills and to prepare them for EQAO, I'm asking them to answer the following question in class over the next few days:  

How is Ruby Bridges brave? Give evidence from the text and your own ideas to support your ideas.  

We call this type a "Reading Response With Evidence Plus" because we're asking the student to provide their own information (the plus).  For short, we refer to these questions as RRWEPs.  

Earlier in the school year, students learned about "reading response with evidence" questions or RRWEs. You can read more about  them in an older blog post here


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