March 23, 2015

Using context clues to solve unfamiliar words

As part of our Morning Messages this month, we're looking at how we can use context clues to help us with unfamiliar words. We all come upon words we don't know and as adults, we probably don't even realize we do it, but we use the clues in the text to help us figure out what the mystery word might be. 

I'm not talking about how to pronounce the word, I'm talking about figuring out what the word itself means or refers to.  

To make this a little fun, we have been using the clues provided in the paragraphs below to help us figure out what a hoopananny or a snoozawozzle (or whatever!) might be! 

It's been really effective doing this on the Smartboard, because we are able to circle the actual words and clues in the paragraph that were helpful in solving the mystery.  


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