May 15, 2015

One talented bunch!

I try not to let it happen too often, but now and then, for some reason or another, my pile of marking gets really, really tall. I personally find that marking students work is easier if you do it in small chunks (e.g. one assignment at a time), but now and then, I put on a big ol' pot of coffee and just go! 

One evening this week, I was doing just that and my smile just kept getting bigger and bigger as I marked a number of different assignments. 

My students are exceptionally talented writers. Their writing style, thorough responses, the personality that shines through and their knowledge of conventions (for example, how to use a comma correctly) is some of the best I've seen. 

It's been such an exciting journey to watch my students' skills progress over the last 33 weeks; I hope they continue to shine as writers in Grade Four and beyond! 


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