May 14, 2019

Success Checklist

I have created a very full list of things students need to know to feel confident and prepared for EQAO week in a week or so. 

This list will not be distributed in class, it's for study purposes only.  I'm asking that parents review each item with their child, check off what they know and then spend some time on those items that need revisiting. This is for your home-use only and is not to be returned to school. 

There are still a number items to cover in class on the checklist, so some material may be unfamiliar to students.

The checklist is to be used as a kind of study guide. You can formulate questions to ask your child based on this guide to be sure they are confident before you check off an item.  

I have indicated that "students should be able to check-off each item" on the checklist, but it should be a parent doing so.

While the big "E" isn't a test, kids understandably do feel nervous as it approaches. My hope is that by using this document as a guide, students will feel more confident when they see just how fully prepared they really are. 

Success Checklist


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