The wheels were turning with this one! We're going to get back to work on our brochures on Wednesday and I can't wait to see how they turn out! What a great way to end the school year: a year where there is always so much growth in terms of my students' writing skills.
In this one exercise, we cover many important skills and answer lots of questions:
- What's the purpose of a brochure (and website)?
- What makes a great brochure and a not-so-great brochure/website?
- What kind of information will people want to know about a school carnival from a brochure/website?
- How do I engage my reader?
- What's an appropriate theme for a carnival?
- What are sensible food prices for my menu items?
- How do bullet points work really effectively on a brochure?
- What's an appropriate day/time to hold a carnival?
- My carnival's website? What's an appropriate name?
- Will the website be a .ca or a .com site?
- Let's talk revenue: who benefits from my carnival?
- The beneficiary: why them?
I've been so thrilled with the quality of my students' writing this year. Watching them grow with each assignment is so exciting and rewarding. I hope they'll use all the skills they've learned this year to make this their best writing piece yet!