March 08, 2019

We have an announcement to make!

As part of our Morning Message, we've been reading a catchy announcement of the day where we read with lots of expression and modulation. We're learning about the importance of including the 5 Ws when announcing an event, especially over the PA system where, in most cases, we only have our voice and word-choice to convey our message effectively.  

A side note...I made the video above, years ago to support my lessons on announcement writing.  I still find Boy and Girl Classmate so funny! The website is now defunct, but I'll always treasure the videos I made! 

The boys and girls were asked to think about a fantasy club they would like to have here at school and generate an announcement that tells the who, what, where, when and why of the club. 

Students were asked to begin their announcement by using a catchy hook that grabs attention and write something that is lively and entertaining.  

We worked on them for about a week and then presented them on Wednesday and Thursday by creating a pretend podium! We even used the microphone I use in class myself, so that really brought some authenticity to the presentations!  They didn't have to be memorized, in fact, that's something we discouraged, but we did want everyone to use their very best "radio" voice!



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