February 28, 2020

Food Drive Fridays!

As part of our Lenten promise, the students in Room 208 have decided to commit to acts of service throughout this 40-day journey.  On Fridays, we decided we'd bring in a non-perishable food item to be donated to our local food bank.  

It's no secret that in this class we: 
Read together! 

Are very, very thoughtful! (insert heart eyes emoji) 

Have great imaginations! 

Work together! 

Learn from each other! 

Problem solve! 

We eat together, just like a family! 

When we need help, we ask for it! 
So with all this in mind, we are pretty excited to take the great things we do together and look outward!  We are also going to be doing random acts of kindness within the school and home community, along with finding ways to be more eco-friendly as part of our promise.  

I love that this initiative is one that we came up with ourselves through a class meeting. When talking about what to "give up" for Lent earlier in the week, we started exploring other ways we can make an impact as community members, and before we knew it, we had quite the list of actions we can take as a little family to make a BIG difference in the lives of others! 


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